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Inside information: Orion upgrades full-year outlook for 2024

7/1/2024 Stock exchange release
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Inside information: Orion and MSD Announce Mutual Exercise of Option Providing MSD Global Exclusive Rights to Opevesostat, an Investigational CYP11A1 Inhibitor, for the Treatment of Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer

7/1/2024 Stock exchange release
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Orion Corporation: Change in Orion Group Executive Management Board as of 31 May 2025

5/7/2024 Stock exchange release
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Composition of the Nomination Committee of Orion Corporation

4/26/2024 Stock exchange release
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Orion Group Interim Report January–March 2024

4/25/2024 Stock exchange release
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Change in Orion Group Executive Management Board: change in Orion's group-level functions

3/22/2024 Stock exchange release
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Orion Corporation: Organising meeting of the Board of Directors

3/20/2024 Stock exchange release
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Decisions taken by Orion Corporation’s Annual General Meeting on 20 March 2024

3/20/2024 Stock exchange release
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Orion Corporation: Transfer of 150,118 own B shares on 1 March 2024

3/1/2024 Stock exchange release
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Orion Group Financial Statement documents 2023, Corporate Governance Statement and Remuneration Report published

2/26/2024 Stock exchange release
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Notice to the Annual General Meeting of Orion Corporation

2/13/2024 Stock exchange release
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Orion Group Financial Statement Release January–December 2023

2/13/2024 Stock exchange release
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119,021 Orion Corporation A shares converted into B shares

2/7/2024 Stock exchange release
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Change in Orion Group Executive Management Board – René Lindell appointed Chief Financial Officer of Orion

1/23/2024 Stock exchange release
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Recommendation by the Orion Nomination Committee on the proposals to be submitted to the 2024 Annual General Meeting

1/11/2024 Stock exchange release
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Insurance portfolio of Orion Pension Fund’s B fund transferred to an external pension insurance company – the transfer has approximately EUR 31 million positive impact on Orion’s result in 2023

1/11/2024 Stock exchange release
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87 000 Orion Corporation A shares converted into B shares

12/4/2023 Stock exchange release
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Orion Group Interim Report January–September 2023

10/26/2023 Stock exchange release