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More than 600 products for animal well-being – Meaningful work unites global teams in Animal Health business division

Did you know that Orion also manufactures and markets medicines for pets and production animals? Richard Beckwith, Head of Commercial Operations at Animal Health, says the team is driven by a desire to improve the lives of both animals and their owners. Orion’s agility and flexible job descriptions provide excellent opportunities to succeed at work.
5/21/2024 Author / Anni Turpeinen

Orion manufactures and markets proprietary medicines and a wide range of generic medicines for pets and production animals. Orion also markets veterinary pharmaceuticals manufactured by several international companies. Animal Health unit has its own staff in 16 countries. 
“As a business unit, we focus on research and development, manufacturing, quality management, the supply chain, commercial and regulatory operations, and human resources. While our goal is to meet our customers’ needs in the here and now, we spend much of our time planning and bringing future solutions to market,” says Richard Beckwith, Vice President, Commercial Operations, Animal Health. 
Beckwith leads the commercial operations of the veterinary pharmaceuticals business unit, with experts in veterinary medicine, sales, marketing, business development and customer service.  

600 products for animal health and well-being 

The Animal Health business unit’s product portfolio includes a comprehensive range of pet welfare products, as well as non-prescription and prescription drugs for pets and production animals. In total, Orion’s portfolio includes more than 600 products for animals.  
“In commercial operations, sales figures are concrete targets that guide our work, but the deeper purpose of our work is clear and important to everyone: we want to help animals feel well. Our aim is to develop and bring to market products and services that improve the lives of animals and their owners,” Beckwith points out. 
Beckwith says that a common and clear goal unites teams and brings agility to work, even when teams or colleagues are tens of thousands of miles apart. 
“I think it’s important that each team member understands their role and importance for the team. Then it doesn’t matter where in the world they do their work.” 

Innovation for the benefit of animals

Orion’s veterinary pharmaceuticals portfolio is divided into three areas:

  • to relieve anxiety and fear
  • for anaesthesia, sedation and pain relief  
  • for the well-being of the microbiome and gastrointestinal tract.  

New innovations are being developed continuously. In particular, new treatments are being actively sought to alleviate fear, anxiety and stress in animals. No dog owner wants their dog howling in anxiety at home during the working day or suffering panic attacks on New Year’s Eve.  
“Pet owners want their animals to enjoy healthy lives and feel as well as possible. It’s rewarding to know that thousands of animals and their owners and carers are benefitting from what we do,” says Beckwith. 

Fairness, directness and opportunities to make a difference

Beckwith visited his future workplace in the spring of 2022 and was immediately impressed. 
“I was surprised by the strong spirit of cooperation at Orion. Orion employees treat each other with respect and always speak to each other in an appreciative tone.” 
According to Beckwith, a collaborative culture is characteristic of Orion and its customer and partner relationships, regardless of country or city.  
For Beckwith, the Nordic nature of Orion’s operations is reflected in their fairness, directness and agility – Finns tend to go straight to the point and take action. He also appreciates Orion’s broad job descriptions and opportunities to make a difference: 
“We are asked for our opinions and ideas on how to move the company forward, and our voice is heard. This makes us feel an integral part of growth and development.”