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102,428 Orion Corporation A shares converted into B shares

12/10/2021 Stock exchange release
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ARASENS trial with darolutamide in combination with docetaxel and androgen deprivation therapy meets primary endpoint of significantly increasing overall survival in patients with metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer

12/3/2021 Stock exchange release

Ensuring the efficacy and safety of medicines

12/2/2021 Science and Partnering
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Recommendation by the Orion Nomination Committee on the proposals to be submitted to the 2022 Annual General Meeting

11/25/2021 Stock exchange release

Orion is aiming for carbon neutrality by 2030

11/18/2021 Raising the Bar
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Orion Research Foundation grants 991,910 euros for research in 2022

11/11/2021 Press release

Full steam ahead with emissions reductions

11/4/2021 Raising the Bar

From waste heat to energy savings

11/4/2021 Raising the Bar
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Cradle to grave: The method matters

11/4/2021 Raising the Bar

All the carbon we cannot see

11/4/2021 Raising the Bar

Keeping homes warm with waste steam

11/4/2021 Raising the Bar

In the midnight hour, we can save more power

11/4/2021 Raising the Bar

Award-winning local heating network shrinks carbon footprint in Turku

11/4/2021 Raising the Bar

Recharging at work

11/4/2021 Raising the Bar

Green electricity reduces environmental burden

11/4/2021 Raising the Bar
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Orion Group Interim Report 1–9/2021

10/20/2021 Stock exchange release
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Orion Corporation: Disclosure Under Chapter 9 Section 10 of the Securities Market Act (BlackRock, Inc.)

10/8/2021 Flagging notifications
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Orion Corporation: Disclosure Under Chapter 9 Section 10 of the Securities Market Act (BlackRock, Inc.)

10/8/2021 Stock exchange release